How To Fix Scratched Sunglasses 12 Easy Method

How To Fix Scratched Sunglasses 12 Easy Method
How To Fix Scratched Sunglasses 12 Easy Method

Scratched sunglasses can be fix in different ways. It depends on how bad the scratches are and what kind of lenses you have. Here are 12 simple ways to try:

Method 1 - Baking Soda and Water for Scratched Sunglasses

Baking Soda and Water for Scratched Sunglasses
  • Mix baking soda with water until it is like thick paste.
  • Apply the paste on the scratched areas and softly rub it in a circular motion with a soft cloth
  • Wash it off with water and dry it.

Method 2 - Toothpaste for Scratched Sunglasses

Toothpaste for Scratched Sunglasses
  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste that is not rough on the scratched areas.
  • Rub the toothpaste onto the scratches with a cotton ball or soft cloth with a circular motion.
  • Wash off with water and dry it.

Method 3 - Brass Polish for Scratched Sunglasses

Brass Polish for Scratched Sunglasses
  • Brass polish can help for removing scratches on plastic lenses.
  • Apply a small amount of brass polish to the scratched areas and rub with a soft cloth.

Method 4 - Glass Etching Cream for Scratched Sunglasses

Glass Etching Cream for Scratched Sunglasses
  • Only for glass lenses, a special cream called glass etching cream can make scratches look smaller.
  • Apply a small amount on the scratched areas, following what the instructions say, then wash it off well.

Glass Etching Cream Instructions

Materials Needed:

  • Glass etching cream (available at craft stores or online)
  • Soft cloth or cotton balls
  • Mild soap and water for cleaning


1. Clean the lenses: Before you use the glass etching cream, make sure to clean the scratched lenses really well. Use a mix of mild soap and water to remove any dirt, oil, or debris from the surface.

2. Protect the frame: If you are working with plastic or metal frames, it is important to protect them from the etching cream. You can cover the parts you do not want the cream to touch with masking tape or painter's tape.

3. Apply the etching cream: Put a small amount in to etching cream on the scratched part of the lens. You do not need a lot, just enough to cover the scratches.

4. Let it sit: Follow the instructions on the etching cream. Usually, you will need to leave it for 2-5 minutes.

5. Gently rub: Once enough time has passed, use a soft cloth or cotton ball to softly rub the etching cream in a circular motion over the scratched area. Apply small pressure and be careful not to rub too hardly.

6. Final step: Wash off with water and dry it.

Method 5 - Plastic Polish for Scratched Sunglasses

Plastic Polish for Scratched Sunglasses
  • Apply a small amount of plastic polish on the scratched areas and rub with a soft cloth.
  • This can help smoothly remove minor scratches and make the lenses clear again.

Method 6 - Vehicle Wax for Scratched Sunglasses

Vehicle Wax for Scratched Sunglasses
  • Apply a small amount of vehicle wax to the lenses and rub with a soft cloth.
  • This can help small scratches less noticeable and make the lenses look better.

Method 7 - Cerium Oxide Paste for Scratched Sunglasses

Cerium Oxide Paste for Scratched Sunglasses
  • Cerium oxide paste is commonly used to remove scratches from glass surfaces.
  • Apply a small amount of Cerium Oxide paste on the lenses and rub with a soft cloth.

Method 8 - Clear Nail Polish for Scratched Sunglasses

Clear Nail Polishfor Scratched Sunglasses
  • Apply a thin layer of clear nail polish on the scratched areas and let it dry completely.
  • This can help to fill in small scratches and make them less noticeable.

Method 9 - Microfiber Cloth and Warm, Soapy Water for Scratched Sunglasses

Microfiber Cloth and Warm, Soapy Waterfor Scratched Sunglasses
  • Softly wash the lenses with a microfiber cloth and warm, soapy water.
  • This can help to remove dirt that may be making the scratches look worse

Method 10 - Glasses cleaning spray for Scratched Sunglasses

Glasses cleaning spray for Scratched Sunglasses
  • To remove the minor scratches on your glasses, you can use cleaning sprays. Just spray once or twice on your sunglasses.
  • For a better results, use a microfiber cloth to wipe your glasses after spraying. Make sure the spray you get is gentle and does not have ammonia.

Method 11 - Vinegar for Scratched Sunglasses

Vinegar for Scratched Sunglasses
  • Start by mixing equal parts water and vinegar.
  • Dip a cloth into this mix and softly rub it on the lenses in a circular motion.
  • If the scratches are still there, put a little baking soda on the cloth and rub it on the lenses with the water-vinegar mix.
  • Then wash the lenses with water.

Method 12 - Replacement Lenses for Scratched Sunglasses

woman wearing green framed sunglasses
Replacement Lenses for Scratched Sunglasses
  • If the scratches are too deep or hard to repair consider about getting new lenses instead. Many sunglasses brands offer replacement lenses for their frames.

This video will provide How to Remove Scratches from Glasses and Sunglasses Lenses

How to Remove Scratches from Glasses and Sunglasses Lenses | DIY At-home Hacks